March 9, 2018

Vesna Poprcova

Topic: Emotion recognition and expression based on Human Motion (ESR 3)

Vesna left the SOCRATES project October 2018.

Supervisors: Dr. Razeil Riemer, Dr. Hila Riemer

Vesna Poprcova received her MSc in Automation, Robotics and System Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia in 2017. During the master studies she has been part of the junior research staff working on EU funded project: XPERO – Learning by Experimentation. She has published two short conference papers and one international journal paper associated with the mentioned project focused on optimizations to larger search problems useful in Robotics and combining reasoning by analogy and inductive logic programming in order to improve the learning speed. Her research interests are in the fields of Robotics, Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence. As of Fall 2017, she is PhD student at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Izrael and part of the SOCRATES team working on research topic – Effects of people’s emotional state on their body motion.